ORCHID 幽兰 (1989) | XIAO YAOTIAN 萧遥天
b. China, 1913 - d. Penang, 1990
ORCHID, 1989
Signed, dated and inscribed (lower right) with one artist seal
Ink and colour on paper, mounted for framing
92 cm x 54 cm
About the Artist 艺术家简介
萧遥天,⼜名萧公畏,号姜园,⼴东潮阳⼈,是⼀位博学多才的学者、 作家和书画家,以其在学术、⽂学和艺术领域的杰出成就⽽闻名,与著 名⽂⼈画家陈⽂希、陈⼤⽻等⼈是同乡好友。1930年到上海美专学 习,师从诸闻韵、谢公展、⻩宾虹、郑曼⻘。1953年远赴南洋,定居 ⻢来西亚槟城,曾任教于钟灵中学、⻢来西亚师范学院。后来被任为⻢ 来亚联合邦教育课程委员,与林连⽟等⼈共同制定华教课纲,对潮州⽂ 化、语⾔、戏剧和⾳乐等⽅⾯亦有深⼊研究,为本地华⽂教育和⽂化研 究作出显著贡献。萧遥天特别推崇章草书法,对⾪书和章草书法都有深 ⼊研究,并且涉⾜⼭⽔画、⼈物画、花⻦画等多个领域,从70年代起先 后在东南亚30多个城市举办诗⽂书画展,被誉为“天南⼀枝笔”。⽔墨⼤ 师张⼤千更是称赞道:“萧遥天的笔墨很深刻,是溶诗书画于⼀图的⽂ ⼈画中的佼佼者。”
Xiao Yaotian, a native of Chaoyang, Guangdong, was a prestigious scholar, writer, calligrapher and painter, known for his outstanding achievements in academic, literary and artistic fields. In 1930, he studied under Zhu Wenyun, Xie Gongzhan, Huang Binhong and Zheng Manqing at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. He settled in Penang, Malaysia in 1953 and taught at the Chung Ling Secondary School and Malaysia Teacher Education Institute. He helped formulate the Chinese curriculum with Lin Lianyu and others and conducted rich research on Chaozhou culture, language, drama and music. Xiao actively engaged in calligraphy and Chinese ink painting, holding exhibitions in more than 30 cities across Southeast Asia since the 1970s. Master Zhang Daqian once praised: "Xiao Yaotian has a profound brushwork, making him a leader among literati paintings that merge poetry, calligraphy and painting into one picture."