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BIRDS 鸟 (2009) | GOO KEE CHONG 吴其昌

BIRDS 鸟 (2009) | GOO KEE CHONG 吴其昌

b. Selangor, 1941


BIRDS, 2009


Signed and inscribed with one artist seal (lower right)
Ink on paper, mounted for framing
46 cm x 45 cm


After graduating from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore, Goo Kee Chong honed his skills under the tutelage of mentors Chen Chong Swee and See Hiang To. Goo's bold and expressive brushstrokes earned him the title "Van Gogh Rebirth" during his academic years. He later dedicated 17 years to teaching at the Malaysian Institute of Art. As a senior member of the Negeri Sembilan Art Society, Goo Kee Chong is a familiar presence in exhibitions organised by the association. He also exhibited at the "East Coast Impressionism", City Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur (2011); "Contemporary Artists Sketching Art Exhibition", Atelier 11, Selangor (2015); and "Yi You Kong Ling Art Exhibition", Atelier 11, Selangor (2016), among others. A jack of all artistic trades, Goo excelled in various art fields, from Chinese ink and Western art to seal engraving. One of his engraved seals was owned by the late artist and activist Datuk Sim Mow Yu, now part of the Sim Mow Yu's Calligraphy Museum collection.


吴其昌是资深南洋派画家,早年毕业于新加坡南洋美专,得到陈宗瑞及施⾹沱的训练,与谢忝宋、余斯福是同⻔师⽣,并以其粗狂豪放的笔触,获得“梵⾼再⽣“的美誉。吴其昌在⻢来西亚艺术学院执教⻓达17年,培养本地⽆数莘莘学⼦。⾝为森美兰州艺术协会成员,吴其昌积极参与多项会员画展。他亦受邀参与:“印象东海岸“,吉隆坡连城画廊(2011)、 “当代画家速写邀请展“,卢伙⽣美术馆(2015)、“艺游空灵书画展“,卢伙⽣美术馆(2016)等展览。吴其昌的艺术触⻆横跨多个艺术领域,如⽔墨画、⽔彩、油画、速描、陶艺及雕塑,其印章篆刻功⼒更是为⼈津津乐道。著名华裔教育家及书法家 - 沈慕⽻便拥有吴其昌篆刻的⼀⽅印章,现藏于沈慕⽻书法⽂物馆。如今,吴其昌经常受邀在多所华校及⽂化活动主持篆刻⼯作坊,如“翰墨聚贤情——华教珍贵书画特展“(2019)及“第37届全国华⼈⽂化节“(2022)等。

颜色: 黑色


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