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b. Negeri Sembilan, 1952 - d. 2020


The Lum Weng Kong was the vice president of the Malaysia Calligraphy and Chinese Painting Alliance; visiting professor at the Nanjing University of the Arts and Central China Normal University, China; honorary committee of the Nanjing Seal Society, China; deputy dean of the Faculty of Art & Design at the Southern University College, Johor; as well as an art advisor for several academies, including Institute of Neo Art (Johor Bahru), Sabah Art Institute, and Chung Hua High School (Kluang, Johor).

In 1987, while based in Negeri Sembilan, Lum achieved remarkable success at an art competition, winning three major awards: First Prize in the Chinese ink painting category, Second Prize in plein-air painting, and a Merit Award in calligraphy. In 1997, he won the Nomination Award at the ‘World Chinese Painting & Calligraphy Exhibition’ held at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing. Active in the art scene since the year 1990, one of his major group shows include a Malaysia – China international group exhibition held at Xiaojing Art Museum, Beijing, China in 2017.

Lum held over 10 solo shows throughout his lifetime, including ‘Tea & Zen’, Karya Gallery, KL (1997); A Brush with Nature, Istana Hotel, KL (1999); ‘In the Realm of the Heavenly Horses’, Palace of the Golden Horses (2002); ‘This Pure Land Somewhere’, Senn Art Gallery, KL (2004); ‘I Walk the Line’, Chin Woo Art Gallery, KL (2010); and ‘Lum Weng Kong Solo Exhibition’, Southern College, Johor Bahru (2011). In 2010, he held a successful overseas solo in Henan Province, China. In 2012, his solo show ‘AURA’ was officiated by the then China Ambassador to Malaysia - H.E. Chai Xi, held at PINKGUY Gallery, KL.

Lum’s remarkably expressive works are influenced by great masters including Matisse, Picasso and Cezanne. Apart from his art achievements, Lum also contributed significantly to the music and education sector. He began to teach in the 1970s, and held important positions including the Head of Office of International Affairs at the Malaysia campus of Troy University, USA. Lum was also well-versed in Western music theory and composed music teaching materials for primary schools in Malaysia.

林荣光,马来西亚书画家,专事中国书画研究、创作及教学,致力推广及提升马来西亚中华书画文化生态,坚持在中国古老传统的文化精神中去谋求现代文化语境中的当代观念。曾任马来西亚国际现代书画联盟副会长、中国南京艺术学院客座教授、中国武汉华中师范大学客座教授、中国南京印社荣誉理事、国际教师协会马来西亚区创意总监、河南省吉他协会艺术顾问、新山NEO ART艺术学院纯美术顾问、沙巴艺术学院纯美术顾问,及南方大学学院艺术与设计系副院长。

1987年,在森美兰美术大赛上一举获得水墨画冠军、户外写生亚军、书法优秀奖三项大奖。1997年,在由中国美术家协会及书法家协会主办的中国世界华人书画展中,荣获中国画及书法两项入选奖。自1990年起,便活跃于国内外各大联展,如2017年于北京晓景美术馆举行的中马水墨联展《彩墨·心缘》。生前举办超过10场个人展览,如:【清系茶壶】,吉隆坡艺文庄(1997);【笔触自然】,吉隆坡 Istana Hotel(1999);【天马行空】,金马皇宫酒店(2002);【这一片净土】,吉隆坡彩蝶轩(2004);【悠悠线条间】,吉隆坡精武画廊(2010),及【林荣光现代书画】,新山南方艺术学院(2011)。 2010年,林荣光成功在中国河南雨田艺术中心举办海外个展。2012年,【AURA】个展由前中国驻马大使柴玺主持开幕,并于PINKGUY画廊进行。


Abstract Wavy Object


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